
This website is a portfolio of Ari’s writing escapades, primarily the content from her college courses such as Digital Storytelling and Careers in Writing. Ari strives to break into the copywriting profession and this website serves as an outlet in the meantime. Much of the content featured here showcases the skillsets Ari has come to acquire since her years attending Kennesaw State University. Ari has written a short story, delved into the minds of famous philosophers, and learned the ways of copyediting, as well as the basics of writing in the workplace. There were many more courses that can be read through, of course.

Ari enjoys animals more than anything in the world. Whether it’s writing about them, talking about them, or observing them, Ari’s happy place is with animals and nature. She has many pets ranging from guinea pigs, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and dogs. She especially loves to advocate for adopting when and where possible as well as proper care/ husbandry for all animals.